The Political Council of the February 14 Revolution Youth
Coalition issued the weekly position which reads as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
With the blessed days of Hajj upon us, the Political Council of the
February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition supplicates that Allah
Almighty bestows upon the pilgrims of the Sacred House ease
and divine guidance in performing the rituals and rites of Hajj,
affirming in this regard the profound meanings of this duty, which
unites Muslims from all lands and races under one banner and
one Qibla, dedicated to sincere devotion to Allah Almighty, and
disavowing the enemies of the nation and the oppressors,
emphasizing the meaning declared by His Eminence the Leader
of the Muslims, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei (may Allah bless
Him), that ‘’this year’s Hajj must be the pilgrimage of disavowal
from the criminal enemy of Muslims and its backers,’’ represented
by the Zionist enemy and its criminal American backers.
In this context, we urge the sons and daughters of our beloved
people who will perform the pilgrimage duty this years to
participate in the rituals of ‘’Declaration of Disavowal’’ from the
enemies of the Islamic nation, and to condemn every hand that
extends aid and proximity to them. Furthermore, we reaffirm the
unity of the Islamic front in facing tyrants and criminals, and in
defending the oppressed and the downtrodden worldwide,
particularly our resilient people in Gaza and Palestine, and in
supporting their courageous resistance.
And in this weekly position, we note the following points in the
context of ongoing events and occasions:
1- We reaffirm the content of the position of the eminent leader,
Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim (may Allah protect Him),
regarding the situation in Bahrain. We emphasize that the
fair treatment of the human rights file and the issue of
political prisoners is an inherent right that is not subject to
restrictions or preconditions. This is based on the fact that
the prisoners are captives and hostages held by the Khalifi
regime for blackmail and bargaining over the course of the
general situation. The steadfastness of the leaders and the
captive hostages has overthrown this unethical policy,
leaving the Khalifi regime with no option but to release all
prisoners without restriction or condition. We believe that this
demand has become stronger and more entrenched.
Furthermore, the developments in this matter will not alter
the primary and utmost necessity declared by the popular
movement and the February 14 Revolution, which is
comprehensive political change based on the right to self-
determination and the establishment of a fair constitutional
2- We call for caution and complete vigilance regarding the
policies and plans being formulated by the Khalifi regime
during the current stage. It should be noted that external
maneuvers and the regime’s attempts to improve its
relations with neighboring countries, especially the Islamic
Republic of Iran, do not signify a genuine change in
domestic policies. There’s been no acknowledgment of the
full political rights of the Bahraini people or responsiveness
to the demands voiced by the ongoing popular protests
occurring in various areas of the country. These demands
include the release of prisoners, ending relations with the
Zionist enemy, and closing foreign bases hostile to the
people of the region. Perhaps the indication of this is the
continuation of terrorist practices against citizens and
activists, the suppression of protests, the return of politicised
trials against the innocents, and the Khalifites’ deepening of
its alliance with the American devil and its aggressive bases
in the region, as exemplified by the recent meeting between
the tyrant Hamad and the US Central Command Chief in
3- We still view the tyrant Hamad and his illegitimate entity as
the foundation of corruption and tyranny in Bahrain. There
are no tangible efforts or genuine changes on the ground
that reflect a different approach in governing the country,
aside from temporary tactics and hollow propagandas. We
attribute this deadlock to the Khalifi entity’s intractability to
any genuine self-reform, due to its adherence to a history of
invasion, occupation culture, and hostility towards the
indigenous citizens. Until now, this entity has not provided
any evidence or indication of cleansing these dark residues.
On the contrary, the current realities reinforce our political
conviction regarding the incompetence of the authoritarian
entity to remain in Bahrain, as well as to rule the people. The
current tyrant proves every day that he represents the ruling
gang that steals the country, tortures its people, destroys
their culture and original identity, and insists on submission
to the American-Zionist alliance.
4- We endorse the central slogan launched by Bahraini
scholars on the occasion of the new Hijri year’s Ashura
season 1446 AH, titled ‘’Forever with Hussein’’, and we call
for advancing the objectives encapsulated in this slogan.
This includes countering the continuous efforts of the Khalifi
regime to manipulate the Ashura season and distort the
values of Imam Hussein (AS)’s revolution and its grand
objectives. Specifically, we highlight the restrictions imposed
by the regime on visiting the sacred sites in Iraq, requiring
prior security approval from intelligence agencies. This
aligns with the continuous endeavor of the Al Khalifa to
dominate the commemoration of Ashura and divert it from its
fundamental lines, which involve defending truth, fighting
injustice and falsehood, and restoring the values of justice
and supporting the oppressed. We affirm that this Khalifi
policy is a direct expression of its genocidal scheme against
the values of the Bahraini people, their religion, and their
culture which is an ample evidence of this regime’s hostility
towards the people and the impossibility of reconciliation
with it in any form.
5- We commemorate the forty-second anniversary of the
martyrdom of Bahraini resistance figure, Muzahim Al-Shatr
(June 12, 1982), who joined the ranks of the resistance
against the Zionist enemy until his martyrdom on the territory
of the southern Lebanon. He embodied the commitment of
the Bahraini people to the cause of Palestine and the
liberation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, standing with the honorable
resistance – at any time and from any location – which
remains the consistent position of our people to this day. The
strong and continuous presence in the squares and areas
registers support for the ‘’Al-Aqsa Flood’’ battle and solidarity
with Gaza and its victorious resistance, denounces all Zionist
crimes and condemns the ongoing normalization
agreements with the enemy and continuously pressures to
cancel these agreements and expel Zionist ambassadors
from our country.
Political Council – February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition
Monday, June 10, 2024 AD
Occupied Bahrain
Weekly Position: We Once Again Warn Against the Authority Policies at the Current Stage and Reaffirm Our Conviction in the Intractability of the Khalifa Entity to Goodness and Reform

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