The Political Council of February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition issued the
weekly position, which reads as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
The Political Council of February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition extends its
blessings to all Muslims around the world, especially to our dear people in
Bahrain, on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, asking Allah
Almighty to make it a month of goodness, patience, and victory. We
emphasize the spiritual and jihadi values that this blessed month
represents in establishing a Quranic society where Muslims liberate
themselves from the tyrants of the earth. It is also a time to strive for
complete servitude to Allah through reliance on Him in both hardship and
ease, with full confidence in His promise of establishing the divine state of
And in this weekly position, we highlight the following points:
1- We commend our dear people for their dedication to religious and
spiritual development during Ramadan, as reflected in the efforts of
religious institutions in mosques and community centers (ma’atim). This
commitment is rooted in the principle that reciting the Holy Quran should
translate into practical obedience to Allah in confronting oppression and
corruption. In particular, we emphasize the importance of preserving the
religious and intellectual identity that stands against attempts to
dismantle the resilient Quranic society. This includes maintaining its
authenticity, which is founded on social solidarity, supporting the families
of martyrs, prisoners, the wounded, and exiles, embracing our released
loved ones, and countering the despair, impoverishment, and
demoralization that the Khalifi regime seeks to impose on our Quranic
community. We affirm that this path must remain a central focus for all
and should not be confined to annual religious seasons. This is based
on the reality that the ongoing struggle in Bahrain is a battle over identity
and existence between the usurping Khalifi regime and the authentic
people of Bahrain.
2- We reaffirm the key messages conveyed in the speech of the Chairman
of the Shura Council of February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition on the
occasion of Ramadan. This includes both local and regional messages
he addressed in light of the major transformations unfolding in the region
since the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation. We also emphasize the speech’s
firm stance on the right of the people of Bahrain to self-determination
and the rejection of the imposed status quo. Additionally, the importance
of seizing the month of Ramadan to strengthen the spirit of resistance,
confront any attempts to undermine religious rituals, and persist in
opposing normalization with the Zionist entity and its crimes in Gaza,
Lebanon, Syria, and the broader region.
3- In the context of jihad and the victories witnessed during the month of
Ramadan throughout our glorious Islamic history—most notably the
Battle of Badr and the defeat of disbelief and hypocrisy. We reaffirm our
full readiness to commemorate the annual event established by the
Coalition on the first Friday of Ramadan: “National Day for the Expulsion
of the American Base from Bahrain,” as it serves as a hub for hegemony
and occupation in the region, and a symbol of the satanic project that
orchestrates conspiracies, wars, and strife to dismantle the values of the
Ummah, weaken its will, and align it to the brutal Western culture. This
day stands as an opportunity to renew the people’s unwavering will to
purge Bahrain of the satanic American existence and to declare the free
popular stance that aligns with the resistance movements across the
region and its axis, which will remain steadfast in its strategic goal of
expelling occupying forces and liberating the nations from all forms of
foreign domination and exploitation.
4- The usurping entity in Bahrain is preparing to hold a conference called
“Rooting Identity” in the coming two months. We call on those
concerned to prepare for holding events and activities that expose the
malicious and criminal roles carried out by the Al Khalifa entity in
targeting the authentic identity of Bahrain and its people since the
invasion of 1783 until the present day, to unveil the plans and methods
employed by the Khalifa tribe in manipulating the country’s demographic
and cultural composition, as well as carrying out various operations of
intimidation, chaos, and internal disintegration to execute their schemes
of erasure and the forcible displacement of citizens, and occupying their
homes and resources. Additionally, we must explore the appropriate
means to confront this dangerous challenge and contribute collectively
to developing strategic plans to root the true identity of the people of
5- We strongly condemn the new wave of repression and arrests that
targeted activists and citizens in Bahrain for supporting the rights and
freedoms of the people. We place this wave within the context of the
deeply ingrained criminal nature of this regime and its deep-seated
hostility toward the people and their right to existence and sovereignty.
We also denounce the policies of hypocrisy that dominate the
relationships between countries in the arrogant world today, particularly
in terms of the cover and protection that the brutal Western regimes
provide to dictatorial regimes in the region, in exchange for money and
servile submission to hegemonic policies.
6- We express our lack of trust in the meetings organized by the official
regimes to discuss regional affairs and the threats plotted by the U.S.
administration. We see that the empty conferences held by the Arab
League and others neither provide solutions nor make any impact,
especially after these fragile regimes have proven themselves to be
mere puppets controlled by forces of domination and colonial interests.
They have no national, religious, or patriotic principles to defend their
peoples or confront the threats jeopardizing their existence and identity.
These regimes have repeatedly demonstrated their submission and
treason throughout every stage of the struggle against the Zionist entity,
most notably during the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation and with the
unprecedented genocide and aggression that Gaza and Lebanon were
subjected to, these regimes appeared in shameful positions of
conspiracy and surrender to the goals of aggression and genocide, with
the normalization regimes in the Gulf and the region at the forefront.
7- We warn against the repercussions of the role distribution plan being
carried out by the U.S. administration, in coordination with the Zionist
entity and the normalization and repression regimes in the Gulf and the
region. We urge our peoples to be cautious of the conferences and
projects that, on the surface, seem to aim at achieving Arab rights, such
as establishing a free state in Palestine and liberating the region from
foreign occupation. However, these initiatives are ultimately crafted
according to the American-Zionist agenda, driven primarily by the
interests of global imperialist powers, with no concern for the interests of
other nations and peoples, including their petty puppets and temporary
tools in the region. This was clearly demonstrated by the humiliation
taken by the criminal Trump administration in its meetings with the
heads of the states under its control, most recently with the Ukrainian
president. We affirm that this fate will await all petty tyrants like the
dictator Hamad, who will not be spared from the dark destiny that awaits
him, regardless of his efforts to evade Washington visits over the years.
This is the same fate that has befallen every tyrant who spilled the blood
of innocents and violated sacred laws and sanctities.
Political Council – February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition
Monday, March 3, 2025
Occupied Bahrain