The Political Council of the February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition issued
its weekly position, which reads as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
The Political Council of the February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition extends
its deepest expressions of appreciation to the noble martyrs of Bahrain on
the anniversary of their glorious day, which the people commemorate this
year under the slogan “Our Martyrs Are Our Identity.”
The Political Council affirms that this group of martyrs, who made sacrifices
in the country’s rich history, will remain deeply ingrained in the hearts and
minds of the people because the martyrs are the true symbol of the identity
of the people and their steadfast values in the struggle for freedom and
liberation. This identity is constantly renewed at every stage of the popular
movement, no matter how intense the challenges or misleading schemes
may be, continuing to demand the full right to establish a just state. In a
similar vein, the sacrifices made by the free prisoners, the detained
leaders, and their legendary patience in the dungeons of the Al Khalifa
regime represent the practical embodiment of the creed of loyalty to the
martyrs. In response, the people will show their loyalty to the nation’s
leaders and insist on their immediate and unconditional release,
considering it an undeniable right, no matter how the Khalifa regime
manipulates or attempts to seize this right.
The Political Council believes that the date “13 December 1994” marks a
significant national turning point in the popular and constitutional struggle,
despite the sacrifices of the martyrs, prisoners, the wounded, and the
displaced. It is recorded that the Uprising of Dignity was led by the late
Ayatollah Sheikh Abdul Amir al-Jamri (may God rest his soul), who set an
extraordinary example in courageous and wise leadership that transcended
sects and affiliations. He remained a towering figure in the resistance
against oppression and tyranny, even until the last moments of his
honorable life, which God willed to end in the company of the martyrs and
their noble memory.
In light of this anniversary and the rapidly evolving developments in our
country and the region, we hereby register the following positions:
1- The commemoration of “Martyrs’ Day” is a momentous occasion
through which our people and their active forces reaffirm their
unwavering loyalty to the great martyrs and the lofty goals for which
they sacrificed. Therefore, they reject any attempt to use this
occasion for bargaining or concessions. For over 30 years, they have
insisted on commemorating it by all means and thwarting the
attempts by the Khalifa regime to distort and hijack it, recognizing that
these malicious efforts aimed to erase the memory of dignity and
freedom embodied by the noble martyrs. Instead, the regime sought
to impose a fake memory reflecting the identity of the Khalifa entity
and its structure, which is tied to colonialism and forces of arrogance.
Today, it has become more closely linked to and subordinate to the
Zionist-American project.
2- When the Uprising of Dignity broke out in the 1990s, the
circumstances surrounding our people and our country were filled
with regional complexities. However, the decision of our people for
freedom and the restoration of true sovereignty was based on their
belief in just and necessary demands, and their refusal to submit to
small-scale balances or the distortion of the equation in favor of
repressive regimes. Therefore, their choice was to continue the
uprising, which at the time carried the banner of constitutional reform,
presenting a shining example of joint national action and the people’s
ability to remain steadfast and develop methods of protest. This was
evident from the outset with the martyrdom of the first two martyrs of
the uprising, “Hani Al-Wasati and Hani Khamees,” on December 17,
1994, which the concepts of sacrifice and resilience in the face of
killing, brutality, and arrest were firmly established, turning all of it into
fuel that further ignited the flame of the uprising. This continued until
the tyrant Hamad was forced to respond to the demands of the
uprising after a decade of its onset, only to later resort to deception
and turn against the contractual constitution, leading the country into
the worst period of criminality, subservience, and conspiracy against
the existence of the people and their true identity.
3- We believe that the occupation of Bahrain’s islands by the Al Khalifa
over two centuries ago, and their imposition of a narrative describing
the occupation as a “conquest,” was not a coincidence or a fleeting
event. Rather, it was intentional and planned. Similar to what every
invading force does throughout history, when it is alien to the land
and people, it seeks from the very first day of occupation to combine
physical annihilation with cultural extermination. It commits
massacres and destruction, gradually erasing the history and the
religious and cultural identity of the indigenous people, imposing the
artificial narrative of the invaders by force of arms, with support from
foreign allies. Based on this, we believe that the fundamental battle in
Bahrain is the battle for defending the people’s identity, restoring
what has been obliterated over time, and confronting all current plans
to eradicate what remains of this identity. This includes the refusal of
the Khalifa entity to recognize Independence Day from British
colonialism on “August 14,” and the fabrication of the lie known as
“National Day” on “December 16,” imposed upon the people, which
was then expanded during the reign of the tyrant Hamad by inventing
a new title for the invasion of Bahrain—”the establishment of the
modern Khalifa state.” Later, another fabrication was added on this
day, “Martyrs’ Day,” with the purpose of confusing the people’s
commemoration of their martyrs’ day, turning the mercenary killers
into “martyrs” who receive the highest levels of honors and care,
funded by the stolen state’s resources. For this reason, we see that
“Martyrs’ Day” is the most appropriate occasion to highlight the true
nature of the struggle with the Khalifa entity, as a conflict between the
identity of the indigenous people and the identity of the intruder
4- The continued prohibition of the central Friday prayers in the town of
Diraz, along with its military siege since last October, and the
prevention of citizens from gathering at the town’s mosque,
represents one of the dangerous aspects of the identity war being
waged by the Khalifas against our faithful people. Regardless of how
long this siege and tyranny may last, our people and their free
scholars will not accept concessions on their beliefs and rituals. They
will not submit to the oppressive restrictions and laws targeting
sacred values and religious freedoms, because accepting such
measures would mean entering into the Zionist project, parts of which
are being carried out by the tyrant Hamad, through drying up the
authentic sources and pulpits that represent the conscience of the
nation and its steadfast values.
5- It was not surprising that the tyrant Hamad recorded his name among
the first Arab rulers to officially endorse the new regime in Syria, led
by the terrorist Al-Julani, under the pretext of his presidency of the
current session of the Arab League. Both of them have committed
crimes and terrorism against innocent people, and they come from
the same school of deception, changing their masks according to
circumstances and the orders of foreign controllers. They are united
in their opposition to resistance movements and their martyr leaders,
their cordial relations and normalization with the Zionist entity, their
indifference to the ongoing massacre in Gaza, and its occupation of
more Syrian lands. The identity of the tyrant is the same as that of all
terrorists, Zionists, and American agents. However, the identity of our
people will remain steadfast in supporting Palestine and its
resistance, confronting the Zionist-American project, and standing
firm against its servants and tools. We express our confidence that
the Syrian people will not abandon their history of resisting the Zionist
enemy, and they will rebuild their homeland with their own free
hands, liberating their land and their decisions from the filth of the
invaders and terrorists.
Political Council –February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition
Monday, 16 December 2024
Occupied Bahrain