People delivered a recitation of holy Quran for the spirit of the martyr of Al-Fdaa “redemption” Mustafa Hamdan, at his tomb Sunday, January 26, 2020, with the participation of the fathers of martyrs, men of steadfastness, and activists.
The martyr (18-year-old) was one of the stationed revolutionaries in Al-Fidaa Square in Al-Daraz town during the siege of the house of the cleric, Ayatollah Sheikh Issa Qassem. He was wounded during the second attack by a bullet in the head and then taken to the hospital, until he died. He became a witness on the terrorist regimes of Al-Khalifa and Al Saud, as he underwent to clinical death for two months.
It is noteworthy that on Thursday, January 26, 2017, the mercenary elements of Al-Khalifa regime, disguised at night, waged a bloody attack on a number of young men while they were sleeping , using different kinds of weapons and bullets in the town of Al-Daraz.
The group of Fedayeen confronted the attack with bare chests, firmness and courage, to defending Ayatollah Qassem and in response to the calls for mobilization that were launched through the minarets of mosques in Al-Draz. The masses of people rushed from different regions into Al-Fidaa Square amid the cries of divine victory. The attack resulted in the injury of martyr Hamdan, who was died two months later.