The Political Council of the February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition issued
the weekly position, which reads as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The opposition forces in Bahrain reaffirmed their clear stance in rejecting
any foreign intervention in the country’s affairs, particularly military
interventions that violate national sovereignty and undermine the will of the
people. In a statement issued on the anniversary of the ominous Saudi-
Emirati occupation of Bahrain (March 2011), the opposition held the Khalifa
regime fully responsible for the consequences and dangerous ramifications
of this occupation on the reality of the country.
We, in the Political Council of the February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition
stress the slogan of “Sovereignty No’s,” which was declared by the
opposition forces on this occasion. This includes the rejection of the triad of
“dependency, foreign intervention, and guardianship.” We affirm that this
triad has clearly manifested in the hostile military interventions carried out
by the Saudi regime in Bahrain, Yemen, and throughout the region. These
interventions have led to regional instability, internal conflicts, sectarian
strife, and the expansion of colonial dominance. From this perspective, we
believe that the Saudi regime has been behind the dangerous collapses
that have spread across our countries and societies, and continues to do
so. They are the ones who planned to sabotage the people’s movements in
the region and divert them from their natural course. Therefore, our stance
against this malevolent regime will not change, no matter how many times
its faces and masks change.
In this context, we record the following key points in the weekly position:
1- The goal of the Saudi-Gulf military invasion of Bahrain, fourteen years
ago, was to confront the peaceful revolution of the people, which
called for freedom and justice. This brutal invasion revealed two
important facts: The first fact is that the February 14 revolution was
indeed capable of achieving its goals and realizing the aspirations of
the citizens in establishing a just constitutional state, after mass
protests spread everywhere, and the tyrant, Hamad, lost all forms of
popular acceptance. The second fact is that Al Khalifa is an
occupying tribe with no true ties to Bahrain, and they have always
refrained from establishing a sovereign state with equal citizenship.
Instead, their constant reliance on foreign powers and serving the
interests of foreign forces was their perpetual bet. Therefore, the
entry of the Peninsula Shield Forces, led by Saudi Arabia, marked a
new phase in revealing the colonial nature of the Khalifa regime, its
detachment from the values of independence and sovereignty, and its
refusal to resist the forces of tyranny and dominance in order to
protect their corrupt and illegitimate regime.
2- Based on this, we believe that the illegitimate rule in Bahrain is not
only a settler occupation, but also a malevolent force that serves
foreign interests hostile to the people and the entire nation.
Therefore, one aspect of the national struggle in Bahrain is the
resistance against the colonial system that controls the country and
strips it of its full sovereignty and national decision-making, especially
after the overt involvement of Al Khalifa in the Zionist project and their
alignment with the U.S. anti-resistance agenda. From the beginning,
and after months of Saudi occupation of Bahrain, the Bahrain
revolution firmly established the principle of liberation from foreign
control and resistance to foreign guardianship, alongside the demand
for full political rights and self-determination. This strategic vision
proved its correctness in the later stages, when the Zionist-American
project expanded through its puppet regimes, represented by Saudi
Arabia and its followers among the pro-Zionist regimes.
The internal bleeding that Bahrain is suffering from, politically,
economically, and socially, has reached its worst state since the
Saudi invasion of Bahrain. This event marked a turning point in the
course of events in Bahrain and the region and was the beginning of
the expansion of Saudi-Gulf brutality through the deployment of
armored vehicles and soldiers to enforce identity-based killings,
arrest opposition leaders, demolish mosques, and commit some of
the most heinous crimes documented in international reports. This
bloody message was not limited to the popular sit-in at Martyrs’
Square (Pearl Roundabout), but was also a threat to use force and
engage in the most malicious conspiracies against any popular
movement in the region that calls for sovereignty and justice. This is
precisely what the Saudi regime and its Zionist-aligned allies did
against the free peoples who decided to revolt against tyranny,
enslavement, and stand against the American devil and its criminal
4- We strongly condemn the new military war initiated by the greatest
devil, America, against the beloved Yemeni people, bombing safe
civilian areas and killing unarmed civilians, in response to Yemen’s
noble stance in supporting the oppressed and besieged people in
occupied Palestine, standing with them in the face of the brutal
Zionist genocide during the blessed month of Ramadan, amidst the
collusion of Zionist-aligned rulers who support the aggression,
including the tyrant Hamad, who opened military bases in Bahrain to
launch American and British planes for bombing the Yemeni people.
This conspiracy emphasizes the danger of remaining silent about the
puppet tyrants in our Arab world. They represent a grave threat to the
values, existence, and sanctities of the nation. Negotiating with them
will be of no use in reforming them or deterring them from their evils,
as they are mere tools in the hands of the greatest devil. Only by
severing these tools and liberating the nation from them will the
people regain their dignity.
5- As military tension continues to escalate in the region between the
front of truth and the front of falsehood, and as the “International
Quds Day” approaches on the last Friday of Ramadan, which is
“Palestine Day… all of Palestine,” as intended by the late Imam
Khomeini (may he rest in peace); we call upon our dear people in
Bahrain to prepare for the widest possible participation in this
exceptional day, renewing the steadfast popular stance in support of
the oppressed Palestinian people and their honorable resistance, and
in the liberation of every inch of Palestine and its sanctities from the
criminal Zionists. Additionally, we emphasize the popular rejection of
normalization with the Zionist enemy, declaring a voice to sever ties
with this batard entity, expel their ambassador from Bahrain, and
refuse to be connected to any foreign aggressive alliance that targets
the sovereignty, dignity, and security of the people of the region.
The Political Council – February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition
Monday, March 17, 2025
Occupied Bahrain