On the 14th Anniversary of the Arrest of symbolic leaders, our feelings of
loyalty and devotion are renewed for these great figures who marched on
the path of freedom with unwavering determination and relentless passion.
They offered their lives as sacrifices on the altar of truth and justice,
shedding light on a revolutionary path defined by perseverance and
dedication, firmly believing in the power of righteousness and the justice of
their cause.
In this critical phase of our history, we must not forget that the blood of the
martyrs spilled on the sacred soil of the homeland, and the cries that
pierced the darkness of the night were not in vain. Rather, they were the
steadfast seeds that will bloom in the soil of freedom and justice. The
voices that called for rightful demands and sought to uphold the values of
justice and human dignity still echo through the streets and alleys,
expressing the unwavering will of a people who refuse oppression and bow
to none but God.
The path illuminated by these towering figures is not paved with roses but
is fraught with dangers and challenges. However, the determination our
leaders embodied and the noble principles they defended remain the torch
that lights our way, reminding us that freedom comes at a high price—but it
is worth every sacrifice.
Today, as we stand on the threshold of this anniversary, we reaffirm our
national cohesion and unity in the face of all attempts at oppression and
tyranny. We renew our pledge to the symbolic leaders and to every martyr
who sacrificed their blood for the freedom and dignity of our homeland. We
say to them: their memory and sacrifices will forever remain a guiding light
for future generations, inspiring them to continue the struggle until justice,
freedom, and dignity are achieved for all.
The 14th anniversary will not be just an occasion to recall memories, but a
moment to draw inspiration, renew our faith in our just cause, and continue
the struggle with a renewed spirit that refuses submission and surrender. It
is a renewed call to all the free and honorable people in our homeland to
join the ranks of the struggle, carrying the banner of justice and freedom
high, drawing lessons and wisdom from the symbolic leaders, and
continuing on their path until the aspirations for a free and dignified
homeland are fulfilled.