The Political Council of the February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition has
issued its weekly position, which reads as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Despite more than 14 years having passed since the occasion of the Saudi
invasion of Bahrain, our people commemorate this occasion with even
greater determination and resolve to demand their legitimate national
rights. This comes after the Peninsula Shield Forces failed to suppress the
popular movement, despite violently cracking down on the Pearl
Roundabout sit-in, imposing an emergency law, arresting revolution
leaders, and carrying out widespread violations, killings, and sectarian
The crimes of the Peninsula Shield Forces in Bahrain will remain a stain of
shame on the foreheads of the Zionist-aligned regimes in the Gulf, which,
despite the horrific atrocities they committed, failed to force the people of
Bahrain into despair or wave the white flag of surrender. Instead, the
banner of the February 14 Revolution has continued to fly in squares and
arenas year after year, igniting renewed hope for victory over tyranny and
the establishment of a new, just political system that fulfills the aspirations
of the citizens.
In light of this occasion, we pause in this weekly position to highlight the
following key points:
1- On the eve of the occasion of the Saudi occupation of Bahrain and
the destruction of the Pearl Roundabout, the people affirm that
February 14 will not be a memory of the past, because the sit-in
square in 2011 played a pivotal role in fostering broad national
consensus on a constitutional political solution capable of saving the
country from dictatorship and foreign subordination. Just as the
Peninsula Shield Forces failed to subjugate the citizens, the media
war and the disinformation machine also failed to distort the national
demand for drafting a new, modern constitution, replacing the
constitution of the tyrant Hamad, who is known for breaking his
commitments and treaties. Everyone was taken by surprise—after
just days of the Peninsula Shield Forces’ entry in 2011—by the
resilience and heroism of our people in confronting the widespread
violations. Quickly, they regained their revolutionary and popular
presence amid the waves of killings and terrorist raids in the regions.
They presented an unprecedented model of protest, innovating civil
resistance methods and deterring the aggressors. This revolutionary
vitality that followed the Saudi invasion confirms the deep-rooted
national awareness of our dear people and the justice of their
demands for self-determination. It remains the ongoing secret that
enables the people to make great sacrifices and thwart the American
conspiracy, Western hypocrisy, and the systematic falsification that
the revolution and its demands were subjected to.
2- The Khalifa regime, supported by the Peninsula Shield Forces, hastily
arrested the leading figures as soon as the invader’s forces entered
in March 2011. The plan was to instill fear and scattering among the
people and their revolutionary bases. However, they were once again
surprised to find that imprisoning the leaders, torturing them, and
putting them on trial had the opposite effect, as it fueled the flames of
the revolution and increased the enthusiasm of the masses. It also
strengthened the national unity towards the revolution’s goals and
reinforced the belief in the end of the rule of the Al Khalifa and their
illegitimate regime. During these days, we remember the glorious
history of the captive leaders, proudly reflecting on their legendary
steadfastness and their unwavering support for the people and their
rightful demands. We renew our loyalty to them and our
determination to continue the path they paved with their struggle and
sacrifices, pledging that they will remain a beacon for this people, and
will continue to be, as they have always been, the true masters and
leaders of this nation, and that victory will come in their name and
through their hands, Insha’Allah.
3- After 14 years of the Bahrain revolution, the Khalifa regime continues
to promote its lies about political, economic, and living reforms,
relentlessly propagating alleged achievements in development and
economic progress. However, the reality confirms the validity of the
slogans of the February 14 Revolution, which called for a
comprehensive change in the management of the country, with power
in the hands of the people through their true representatives. Any talk
of reforms is meaningless as long as the Al Khalifa controls the
country’s wealth, imposes themselves as the primary group that rules
with privileges, and monopolizes high allocations at the expense of
the citizens, the state’s budget, and the reserves of future
generations. The dangers facing the country and its people,
particularly in terms of identity destruction and manipulation of the
demographic structure, are part of a malicious ploy by the Khalifa
regime to pass on his tyranny, corruption, and theft, which have
ultimately led to the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the
tyrant’s family, who spend it on the indulgence of his teenage sons
and their festivals. The heavy burdens that weigh on the nation and
its citizens politically, economically, and socially will eventually lead to
the depletion of painkillers and the means of repression and terror.
This gives the February 14 Revolution its ongoing, objective context,
and the eruption of popular anger can emerge at any time, flipping
the tables on the tyrant and his mercenaries.
4- The Khalifa regime and its occupying allies failed to demonize the
February 14 Revolution, just as they failed to link it to foreign forces.
Over time, it has been proven that this revolution enjoys the highest
levels of loyalty to the homeland and its people, both Sunni and Shia.
The successive events have shown that the criminal regime ruling
Bahrain is among the most closely tied and subservient to foreign
projects, particularly colonial projects that serve the Zionists and
American hegemony. Since the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle and the
subsequent Zionist-American genocide against Gaza and Lebanon,
as well as the aggressive attacks across the region, the Al Khalifa
positioned itself on the side that serves the American devil and the
schemes of the Zionist entity. They did not hesitate to oppose the
forces of resistance, inciting against them both secretly and publicly,
and they actively conspired against the peoples of resistance, and
besieged them. The Bahrain Revolution stands not only against a
tyrant who kills an indigenous people and desecrates their sanctities,
but also considers him a traitor to the nation and Palestine, as well as
a puppet of the Americans and Zionists.
5- We were not surprised by the complicit stance of the official Arab
regimes, including the stance of the Khalifa regime, regarding the
crimes committed by the takfiri gangs against minorities in Syria,
especially in the Syrian coast. This reveals a part of the secrets
behind the acceleration of normalizing regimes seeking to endorse
the new rule in Syria led by “Al-Jolani,” Followed by regional and
international conspiracies aimed at undermining the Resistance Axis
and imposing a new phase of attempts to liquidate the Palestinian
cause through a systematic targeting of the countries of the
Resistance Axis and their supporting forces, which stand for the
injustice of the Palestinian people and their right to establish their
state on all of Palestine’s land, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
We are confident that the Syrian people, who yearn for freedom and
justice, will not accept their country being the starting point for
executing the new American-Zionist conspiracy. They are capable of
thwarting this malicious project and restoring Syria to its rightful
position in confronting the takfiris, the Zionist-Aligned regimes, and
the arrogant forces.
Political Council – February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Occupied Bahrain