Al-Khalifa entity has stripped of any kindness towards the Bahraini people, after it had dared to arrest women as an option to be taken by it at this stage to extinguish the flame of the Bahraini revolution ,which has been continuing for more than seven years.
Since the beginning of the revolution ,the woman has a significant role ,so she had suffered a lot from different crimes by Al-khalifes. The woman was humiliated, arrested ,tortured , deported and put in jail for her political identity and the expression of her opinion ,in a society that considers the assault on women is a red line where it cannot be underestimated or exceeded .
The women who have been subjected to a series of psychological and physical torture ,tightened the grip on them ,deprived from treatment and some have directly killed, like the martyr(Bahiya Al- Aradi ) who was assassinated by Al-Khalifa's snipers brutally, where her blood had cheapen and they were careless to her life ,while the international community kept silence on this crime .
In addition to that ,Al-Khalifa entity had used the assault on women such as killing and imprisonment as pressure tool against the stationed fighters in the fields .As the revolutionary momentum continued , Alkhalifa's methods increased to break the steadfastness of the people who demanding their legitimate rights by pressing the female element to compel it to give up .It has threatened to arrest the wives, sisters and even mothers .This entity has attempts to violate their sanctity as a means of psycgological torture against the detainees in the prisons .
As we at the beginning of the eighth year of revolution ,there are tens of Bahraini women behind the bars of Al-Khalifa entity jails, they embraced their political views and paid for their active role and special status in society. Some of them were sentenced for many years , and other were sentenced according to the law of terrorism .They were publicly showed on Al-Khalifa channels in order to instill fear and terror inside the women's center. The reaction was contrary to what Al-Khalifa had planned to subdue the revolution, where many towns have overwhelmed with marches and demonstrations as a furious reaction on the arrest of the prisoners of opinion. The demonstrators have demanded to release them and to annul the unfair judgments against them because the simulated judgments issued by Al-Khalifa courts are nullified ,and the woman has a special status in the Bahraini society.
The echo of the Bahraini women on the international and Arabian communities has become familiar , where the Bahraini woman had become as an example of dignity ,steadfastness ,courage and durability in the fields .She had proved her stand in the revolution's rage by her belief that as long as she is following her symbol Sayda Zaineb (PBH) ,her will is not going to break by Al-Khalifa policies .
Therefore ,and as the responsibility of disclosing the rights of these prisoners and martyrs women is on the account of everyone ,the media center of the 14 Feb youth revolution coalition will prepare a file that contains summaries on them .This file aims at introducing them to the world and to shed light on their unjustness , under the title ( Al-Khalifa regime falls ,and the prestige of Bahraini woman remains )