Due to the rapid developments occurring, The February 14th Youth Coalition would like to stress few points to the U.S. Administration:
We know that you represent the key ally and political cover to the ruling regime in Bahrain. Due to this fact we would like to emphasize that we are a peaceful and civilized nation that hopes to join the furtherance of human civilization and have the right to choose the system we are governed with.
We would like to express another important fact that nations lives longer then regimes, therefore we call upon the U.S. administration to stop its cooperation with this corrupted regime, and that your political views towards Bahrain matches your democratic and supportive statements you have announced, which stresses the right of the nation to choose its own regime. You have supported the Tunisians, Egyptians, and the Syrians, but is not fair for Bahrain to be an exception to your political views.
We would like to emphasize that we do not agree to any outside military intervention in Bahrain from any side, therefore we stand against the Saudi occupation of our country. Unfortunately the U.S. administration stated that the Saudi occupation was a right for the Bahraini corrupted regime to use, we believe that this statement was one of the main reasons that caused our people to suffer, as a result of that, we point a large part of the responsibility for what happened to us from oppression, killing, torture and harassment to the U.S. administration.
We would like to emphasize that we don’t differ from the Egyptian’s and Tunisian’s who believed in peaceful change. We wont be patient for a long time towards the corrupted situation we live in, and we will not stop until we achieve our goals.
We would also like to bring to your attention that Jeffery Feltman, Assistant U.S. Secretary, in his last visit to Bahrain stated that the U.S. needed more than two hundred years to achieve a society based on equality. Therefore we ask does Mr. Feltman and the U.S. administration want us to wait another two hundred years? To remind you, the Al-Khalifa family has been ruling Bahrain for more then two hundred years but didn’t produce anything other than an increase in killings, torture, systematic marginalization, and discrimination. Does your administration really believe that we should live another two hundred years of torture? Of course this is not acceptable at all.
After emphasizing the key points, we would like to explain to you and the world our following demands:
The right of self-determination is the inalienable and authentic right for all nations to choose the form of system to be governed with, as you know, the former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson laid down the foundations to this term, which was approved by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international covenants.
We aim for a peaceful change in Bahrain, and that is why we have called upon all the countries of the world to act upon the moral responsibility of supporting the choice of the people for self-determination through a public referendum conducted under an international supervision, where the people would choose the form of the system they want to be governed with.
We ask the U.S. administration to change its position regarding the occupation of the Saudi troops in Bahrain, and to recognize that the occupation came against the wish of the Bahraini people, who were forced to face the massacres and brutal repression of this foreign invasion.
We ask the U.S. administration to lift its political, security, military, economical, and media support towards the corrupted Al-Khalifa regime, and declare a fair position of where it stands towards the Bahraini’s fair and true demands.
We demand a special session in the UN Security Council, and the Human Rights Council in the United Nation, in order for us to demand the departure of the Saudi troops, and take the corrupted figures of the Al-Khalifa regime to court.
In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that as a result of the genocide occurring in our country through the cutting of jobs and salaries, preventing the education of students, discrimination, obscene injustice, killings, and the ongoing repression of the peaceful demonstrations, we are in a defensive position and we are entitled to the right, as all other nations, of self-defense, and to activate any advanced choices towards the sacred defense for ourselves, our dignity and the soil of our homeland.
The February 14th Youth Coalition,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011