In the name of Allah, most merciful, most gracious
Today as our revolution has withstood all challenges and dangers, and has bravely foiled counter-revolution conspiracies plotted by the illegitimate regime of Alkhalifa, the invading Saudi forces, and the West led by the United States and United Kingdom. Despite being cornered by all the enemies, we will hold our ground and will never bow to our oppressors.
Our rebellious nation
We have gathered today near the UK embassy to send a loud and clear message: you who once known as the “empire on which the sun never sets” have committed the biggest crime in history against our nation by installing the Alkhalifa dynastical regime and you are continuing to commit the same crime by supporting the regime and disregarding its violations.
Throughout several generations, countless martyrs have fallen under torture in Alkhalifa dungeons under direct supervision of your cruel officers such as Ian Henderson. And recently, you (and the US administration) have dispatched two of your worst officers, John Yeats and John Timoney to repeat the tragedies of the past and hunt down our peace-loving people simply for raising their legitimate demands.
We warn the UK, the US and the remaining colonial powers of severe consequences if they choose to continue supporting the dictatorship dynasty of Alkhalifa and repudiate of their responsibilities toward our nation.
Our steadfast nation
The revolution is intensifying with each passing day and as the bloody F1 race is approaching, we repeat our warning to the F1 management and all participants that we shall take no responsibility of whatever might happen to them and we reassure that we will do whatever it takes to make sure this event will not succeed as long as Alkhalifa tragedies continue.
We would like to take this opportunity to emphasize on the following:
First: we hold the UK and US administrations responsible for all crimes committed by the Alkhalifa regime and the invading Saudi forces against our armless people.
Second: we demand the UK and US administrations to halt their unconditional support to the brutal regime of Alkhalifa and the invading Saudi forces, call back their cruel police officers (Yeats and Timoney) and prosecute them for their crimes.
Third: we urge everyone to step up protests to force F1 cancellation.
Forth: we request all opposition groups to do their utmost to release all the detainees and especially prominent leaders Abdulhadi Alkhawaja and Hasan Almushaime’.
Finally, we reiterate to the Alkhalifa regime, the Saudi invasion and their supporters and UK and US administrations that we are determined to continue the revolution until we achieve freedom or martyrdom.
Coalition of Youth of February 14th Revolution
Manama – Ras Rumman
Saturday 14th of April, 2012
May Allah bliss our martyrs.